Surgical Tech Schools

Surgical Tech Schools in NJ

If the recent economic woes have hit you hard, you may want to look at enrolling in one of the surgical tech schools in NJ for a career change. No matter the economic highs and lows, the healthcare sector is increasing at a phenomenal rate to meet the needs of a growing and aging population. This is great news for careers such as a surgical technologist which is seeing a projected growth of 19% more jobs through the year 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. You can get the training to work in this field by attending one of the surgical technician schools in NJ.

What Are Surgical Technologists?

surgical tech schools in NJEven though surgical techs may not be in the spotlight or in the first thing you think of when you think of a surgical team, they are an incredibly important member of the team. Performing a great deal of critical duties in all phases of an operation, a surgical tech can make a big difference in the success and health of a patient. The training you can get at one of the accredited surgical tech schools in NJ will help you master the job description of a surgical technologist.

A few of the duties and responsibilities of a surgical tech include:

  • Creating and maintaining a sterile area
  • Meeting with the patient before the surgical procedure
  • Assisting the surgical team by passing instruments
  • Responsible for infection control
  • Moving patient to and from operating room
  • Aiding with anesthesia, if needed
  • Tracking and recording all procedures performed

Finding Surgical Tech Schools in NJ

If you are interested in finding one of the surgical tech schools in NJ, you shouldn’t have to look too far. There are training programs held at most community an junior colleges. Other places to look include government run job training programs and quite a few nursing schools which are scattered around the state and tri-state area. Most likely you will find that any of the accredited surgical tech schools in NJ can provide the proper training necessary to enjoy a fruitful and rewarding new career.

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Online Surgical Tech Programs in New Jersey

While some people may be interested in going to one of the surgical tech schools in NJ, for some reason they cannot do so. It might be that they currently hold a full-time job or their current commitments such as family or kids do not make it possible. The good news is that it is possible to take the classroom portion of the training though some online surgical tech programs.

Online schools, also known as distance learning, are becoming more popular particularly with those who can’t attend a regular campus-based program for whatever reason. Students still receive a great training to become a surgical technologist but do so with a number of great benefits such as a very flexible schedule and student-centered education. If you want to work as a surgical tech but can’t make a traditional school work for you, then you should look in to online education.

Accredited Surgical Tech Programs in NJ

surgical tech programs in njThe decision to go back to school is a big step in anyone’s’ life. You will want to make sure that you are getting the right kind of education and training and not wasting your time or money. One way that you can ensure this is by enrolling in an accredited program.

Accreditation is an endorsement of a program meaning that it meets the educational standards of a national regulatory board such as the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). The national boards typically have strict standards on what is taught and how it things are taught in order to provide all the information necessary for candidates to succeed. You will be able to find quite a few accredited surgical tech programs in NJ, so just make sure you do your research before enrollment.

Degree or Certificate?

When you have made up your mind that you would like to pursue a career as a surgical tech, you will need to make decision on what is right for you.

  • Are your goals short or long term?
  • Do you want the possibility to keep advancing at this job?
  • Do you want to become a professional in this field?
  • Do you want to enter the workforce sooner possibly limiting your opportunities or later with the possibility of opening up even more opportunities?

By answering these questions you can get a better idea on exactly what you are looking for out of one of the surgical tech schools in NJ. If you are looking for something quick and jumping right in the job market you could get your certificate in six to nine months. However, if you are looking at this as a long-term career you may follow our recommendation by earning an associate degree. We firmly believe that opportunities in employment and higher pay are greatly enhanced by more education. This is why we tell everyone who asks that you should seriously consider an associate degree over a certificate program.

Surgical Tech Certification in NJ

Surgical tech certification is still optional at this time in the state of New Jersey. This option might change in the near future according to such advocate groups as the Association of Surgical Technologists (AST). The goal of the AST to have every state require certification, much like most healthcare careers currently have.

We highly suggest that once you have finished your training at one of the accredited surgical tech schools in NJ that you also get the proper credentials or certification to possibly open up more opportunities. The top national group that offers certification is the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA).

Surgical Technologist Jobs in NJ

surgical tech Jobs in NJOn January 18, 2012, Governor Chris Christie signed Assembly bill 3946 in to law which set the minimum requirements to work as a surgical technologist in New Jersey hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers. Effective December 20, 2012, surgical technologists must complete at least 15 hours of annual continuing education. As part of this new law, surgical technologists must meet one of the following in order to work in the Garden State:

  • Successfully complete a regionally or nationally accredited educational program for surgical technologists
  • Earn and maintain certification by the NBSTSA
  • Complete a surgical tech training program from any branch of the military or the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps
  • Already be employed as a surgical technologist prior to December 20, 2011
  • Perform surgical technology duties while in service of the federal government

Surgical Technologist Salary in NJ

Even though you may have a passion for helping people or starting a career in healthcare, you also know that salary is important too. The salary of a surgical tech in NJ is above the national median salary, as you might expect. The latest report from the federal government run O*Net Online has the median salary sitting at $44,700 a year or $21.49 an hour. Below is a chart that will give you an understanding of the salary as compared to the national numbers.

Surgical tech salary in NJ

Becoming a surgical tech can be a great job to have now and in the future. The increased demand for more healthcare services in New Jersey as well as the rest of the country could be a big boon for those searching for a stable career choice. It is very possible for you to get involved in this field by enrolling in one of the surgical tech schools in NJ.

Surgical Tech Schools in MA

If you are looking to enter the healthcare field in Massachusetts, you may want to look at the opportunities available by the surgical tech schools in MA. In case you are not aware, the number of healthcare jobs – including surgical technologists – are projected to increase to meet the needs of a growing population. Students attending the surgical tech programs in Massachusetts are currently training to join the healthcare sector to meet the growing demand of qualified professionals.

The Basics of Surgical Technologists

surgical tech schools in MASurgical techs play an invaluable role on any surgical team by being involved from the preoperative to postoperative phases. As a surgical tech, your responsibilities are critical to the success of any surgery. While in one of the surgical tech schools in MA, you will learn how to best perform the necessary duties that will help keep the patient and operative staff safe and on target. Some of the most common tasks performed by a surgical tech include:

  • In charge of keeping surgical area and equipment sterile
  • Preoperative meeting with patient
  • Recording all surgical procedures undertaken
  • Passing surgical instruments to surgeon
  • Assist anesthesia team
  • Prepares patient for surgery
  • Secures dressings and bandages after incision is closed
  • Prepares operating room before and after surgery

Finding Surgical Tech Schools in MA

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has a few surgical tech programs for you to choose from. You can find training at most nursing schools and community colleges around the state. You may also look to some job or vocational programs to find the training you need. Any of the accredited surgical tech schools in MA can give you the right training to start a new and exciting career.

Online Surgical Tech Programs

If you have trouble finding one of the surgical tech schools in MA near you or maybe your life commitments make going to a traditional school troublesome, there are other options. Online surgical tech programs are becoming more popular, especially with students who have busy schedules. You will find that online colleges have a lot to offer as far as benefits but also provide an excellent educational opportunity.

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Facts about Surgical Tech Programs in MA

We highly recommend that before you just enroll at any program you do some due diligence to have some understanding what you are going in to. While we can say with certainty that a great number of the surgical tech schools in MA are some of the best in the country, you will still need to be aware of what helps make a great program. Below you will find some of the main topics that you need to know before you sign on the dotted line.


When you start your search through the surgical tech schools in MA, you need to make sure you will be receiving the right type of education necessary to be successful. We highly recommend that you only look at programs that been endorsed either by the state of Massachusetts or by a national healthcare board such as the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). This endorsement or accreditation means that the program has met a strict set of standards in terms of excellence in education. Plus, you will not be wasting your time and money on a program that might not live up to the promises the recruiter has expressed.

Certificate or Degree Programs?

surgical tech programs in MABefore you sign up for classes, you will need to make the conscience decision on what your goals are – both educationally and professionally. If you just want to get in and out of training as fast as possible so you can start working, then you may want to enter a certificate program. However, if you want a better chance at advancement and more employment opportunities, we highly suggest you look more at the associate degree level program.

The choice is really up to you and what you expect to get out of the surgical tech schools in MA. Personally, we do recommend an associate degree to give you more prospects for jobs and potentially a higher salary.


Prior to January 2013, certification was recommended but optional in Massachusetts. Now it is required in order to work as a surgical technologist in the Commonwealth. The Association of Surgical Technologists (AST) provide a handy FAQ on the subject that you can find here. You can find more information on how to obtain certification from the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA).

Surgical Technologist Salary in MA

If you have some questions concerning the surgical tech salary, you shouldn’t be worried — the pay is pretty good. According to O*Net Online, the median salary for surgical technologists in Massachusetts is slightly higher than the national salary. As of 2012 when the last report was issued, the median salary for Massachusetts was $48,100 a year or $23.13 an hour compared to the national numbers of $41,800 and $20.09. The chart below shows the differences across different percentages.

Surgical Technologist Salary in MA

Surgical Technologist Jobs in MA

We have previously mentioned that the healthcare sector are experiencing enormous growth in the number of projected new jobs. Surgical tech is no different with O*Net Online expecting an increase of 18% through the year 2020. This increase in new surgical tech jobs will primarily come from hospitals and outpatient centers.

If you are truly interested in working in the healthcare sector, becoming a surgical technologist is an amazing opportunity that is hard to pass up. The emotional and financial rewards along with the stability and importance of the position can be exactly what you are looking for. It can all start by enrolling in one of the surgical tech schools in MA.

Other Resources:

Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN)

Massachusetts Senate Bill 2058

Partners Healthcare

 Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting

Surgical Tech Schools in Michigan

The surgical tech schools in Michigan are ready to help you get a start in a new career working in the operating room helping save lives. According to the latest data presented by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the position of surgical technologist is expecting a tremendous increase in new job opportunities through the year 2020. The surgical tech programs in Michigan are a perfect way for you to get off the bench and in to the game by training to work in a job that is in great demand right now.

Through the surgical tech schools in Michigan, you will be able to receive the training necessary to earn an important spot on the surgical team. You may not realize it but surgical techs play a vital role in the safety of both the patient and the operating room staff as well as keeping the surgery on track. Other critical duties that surgical techs are responsible for include assisting the surgical team during the operation as well as preparing the patient for surgery. The importance of the surgical tech cannot be understated by any means as their job is integral towards a successful surgery.

Finding Surgical Tech Schools in Michigan

surgical tech schools in michiganYou shouldn’t have to search too far to find one of the surgical tech schools in Michigan. There are a number of nursing schools that offer the proper training necessary to become a surgical technologist. Besides nursing schools, you can find training at a few of the community colleges as well as some job programs. We have provide a few programs on the bottom portion of this page to help you find one in your area.

Online Surgical Tech Programs

If you are having trouble finding one of the surgical tech programs in Michigan near you or if your schedule does not permit you go to a campus-based school, there is another alternative. Distance learning or online surgical tech programs can be a way to get your education too. Growing in popularity, online colleges and universities offer students the ability to get the right education with the benefits of flexible schedules and studying from home.

Facts about Surgical Tech Programs in Michigan

To help you understand what the surgical tech schools in Michigan, it is best to have an understanding of what there is to offer. Below are a few topics you should be made aware of when you are looking for the training program that best fits you.


surgical tech programs in michiganIt is very important that when you are looking at the various surgical tech schools in Michigan that you find a program that has the proper accreditation to help you succeed. An accreditation by either your state’s board of nursing or through a national governing body such as the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) will help ensure you get the right kind of education. Schools with this accreditation have met the strict standards and lesson plans to help you on your way to becoming a surgical tech. Plus, by going to an accredited school make give you an edge with potential employers.

Degree vs. Certificate Programs

When you decide that becoming a surgical tech is what you want to do, it is important that you know the options available to you as far as education goes. Depending on your career goals, you can either get your training through a certificate program or aim a bit higher for your associate degree. A certificate program will get you in the job market quicker but we highly recommend that you should seriously consider getting your associate degree. The main reasons for this recommendation is to help boost the chance for more opportunities in salary and employment you may be presented.

Certification or Not

As you finish your training at one of the surgical tech schools in Michigan you will need to start consider whether you want to earn your certification. While certification is currently not required in Michigan, the potential higher salary and increased job opportunities for those with certification are common. For more information on certification please look at the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) website or the Association of Surgical Technologists (AST) website.

Surgical Tech Salary in Michigan

The median salary for surgical techs in Michigan is around $20 an hour or $41,200 a year, according to the latest numbers from O*Net Online. While your realized salary might be slightly different due to a number of factors such as experience and what part of the state you are in, the overall salary numbers are fairly solid considering the low educational barrier.

Surgical Tech Jobs in Michigan

As mentioned earlier, there is a tremendous growth in the healthcare sector including the surgical tech position. This increase in the number of surgical tech jobs in Michigan is directly related to the aging population and population growth. The most common work environments for a surgical tech can be found in hospitals but there are other workplaces to consider. Below you will find a chart the types and percentages of workplaces employing surgical techs.

surgical tech jobs in michigan


Becoming a surgical tech is a wonderful way to make a living. You will be in the forefront of helping people in need of surgical procedures which is a rewarding feeling. You will also be working in a field that is very much in demand and will continue to be so in the near future. The surgical tech schools in Michigan can make this career a reality for you, so go to it!

Surgical Tech Schools in Illinois

If you are looking for surgical tech schools in Illinois, then you have come to the right place. As you probably already know, that U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects tremendous growth in the number of surgical tech jobs throughout the country by an increase as much as 19% throughout the entire country. If you have interest in getting the right surgical tech training so you can work in an operating room, looking in to the surgical technologist programs in Illinois is a good place to start.

By becoming a surgical tech, you will place yourself in an important position on the surgical team. The job description of a surgical tech proves how critical they are to the safety of the patient. Surgical techs will make sure the both the patient and the operating room are properly prepared for surgery as well as assisting surgical team members throughout the operation. If this has some interest to you, you can’t go wrong by enrolling in one of the surgical tech schools in Illinois.

Facts about Surgical Tech Schools in Illinois

Surgical Tech Schools in IllinoisBefore you start looking at the surgical tech schools in Illinois, you need to decide what the educational and career goals you have in mind. There are quick and easy certificate programs but we highly recommend that you consider getting your associate degree. By going down the path of getting your associate degree, you will have a better chance at a higher salary and more employment opportunities.

Finding surgical tech schools in Illinois is easier than you might expect. You will find that a number of community colleges as well as some vocational or technical schools offer training. There are even programs at nursing schools held at four-year universities to choose from.

There is another option for those with full-time jobs or who can’t swing going to a campus-based school, and that is distance learning. Online surgical tech programs are available and growing in popularity every year. The classroom training you will get at one of the online surgical tech schools is as good as regular school but it fits your schedule better.


When you are comparing the various surgical tech schools in Illinois, you will want to make sure that the program meets the standards so you can be successful at your job. Find a program that has the approval of the Commission on Accreditation on Allied Health Education Programs (CAAEP). A program with this accreditation will have proven itself and may even make potential employers notice you.

Topics Covered in Surgical Technologist Training in Illinois

Surgical tech schools in Illinois are typical of healthcare related training by having both a classroom and a practical or clinical training portion. This type of training makes it very possible for you to both understand the theory and the know how to do the job in front of you. Some of the classes you should expect to take include:

  • Anatomy and Physiology
  • Infection Control
  • Pharmacology
  • Medical Terminology
  • Microbiology
  • Sterilization of Equipment
  • Medical Ethics


Once you have successfully finished your training at one of the surgical tech schools in Illinois, you find it better if you become certified. While some states do not necessarily require certification, by having it you should improve your employment chances over someone without it. For more information on certification, go to the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) website. You might also want to look at the Association of Surgical Technologists (AST) as they try to make certification a requirement in every state.

Surgical Tech Salary in Illinois

According to the latest report from O*Net Online, the median salary for surgical technologist is around $20 an hour or $41,500 a year. This is a pretty darned good salary for an associate degree and your realized salary might slightly different depending on experience, where you work and what town or city you work in.

Surgical technologist programs in Illinois

As the healthcare sector continues to rise, now is a great time to get on board. The surgical tech schools in Illinois can offer you a chance to get involved and be successful at an incredibly important job today.

Surgical Tech Schools in Texas

Surgical tech schools in Texas are a good way to start a career in the fast paced and growing healthcare sector. The latest information from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the number of available positions for surgical technologist will grow nationally by as much as 19% through 2020. While in Texas, the projected increase in surgical tech jobs is expected to be around 26%. So if you have an interest in getting training to work in the operating room, then surgical technologist schools in Texas is a great place to start.

Becoming a surgical tech is a wonderful and rewarding job. You will be an important part of the surgical team. You will find yourself preparing the patient for surgery, making sure the operating room is sterilized and ready as well as assisting the surgical team in other ways. A good surgical tech is worth their weight in gold. You can start down this path to this type of career by enrolling in one of the surgical tech schools in Texas.

Facts about Surgical Tech Schools in Texas

surgical tech schools in texasWhen looking at the surgical tech schools in Texas, you will have to make a decision on what level of education you would like to achieve. There are certificate programs as well as associate degree level programs. We strongly recommend that you consider that associate degree path to increase both your potential earnings and employment opportunities.

You should be able to find surgical tech programs in a number of different types of facilities. You should find that most vocational or technical schools offer training and even a good number of community colleges. Some four-year universities that have nursing schools are part of the surgical tech schools in Texas too.

If you live too far away from one of your desired schools or currently have too busy of a schedule to attend a campus-based program, you may want to look in to distance learning. Online surgical tech programs have become popular over the past few years and the quality of classroom education is on part with the more traditional programs. So don’t overlook the possibility of learning from home.


No matter what kind of school or program you want to enroll in, you will need to make sure that the program meets the standards of a quality institution. The Commission on Accreditation on Allied Health Education Programs (CAAEP) is a national governing body that will only approve of programs that meet the rigid standards and practice to qualify as an accredited program. Not only will this accreditation make you feel that you are getting the right kind of education but it could serve as an incentive for potential employers.

What You Will Learn in Surgical Technologist Training in Texas

The surgical tech schools in Texas are created to have both a classroom element as well as practical training in the form of an internship. This provides aspiring surgical techs the ability to both understand and know how their job is supposed to work. A few of the topics covered in the classroom include:

surgical technologist training topics


Upon completion of your training at one of the surgical tech schools in Texas, you will want to become certified to increase your employment chances. Even in the states that do not require certification, by doing so you will impress upon employers that you are serious about profession and have what it takes. Look to the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) for information on certification. Texas requires certification which you can read this statement provided by the Association of Surgical Technologists (AST)

Surgical Tech Salary in Texas

In the state of Texas, O*Net Online lists the median salary for surgical technologists is over $41,500 or almost $20 an hour. Your realized salary may be slightly different depending on a number of factors such as experience, place of employment and location of your job. Overall though, the median salary number is fairly close to the national median.

Those looking to start a new career in healthcare are in for a treat. The combination of an aging population, improvements in medical technology and the new insurance regulations has helped create an increased demand in qualified professionals. You can make your mark in the healthcare sector by getting the right education at one of the surgical tech schools in Texas.

Surgical Tech Schools in Oregon

If working in a rewarding, fast-paced environment and saving lives appeals to you, consider enrolling in one of the surgical tech schools in Oregon. Becoming a surgical technologist could be the right career for you and one with advancement possibilities. But before you can even think about starting that new job you will need to talk to a counselor at one of the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) accredited surgical tech programs in Oregon to learn more about getting started.

What is a Surgical Tech?

As one of the more important members of the operating room team, the surgical tech works under the supervision of surgeons, registered nurses or other surgical team members. Operating room teams work like parts of a finely tuned machine to save their patients. The doctors, nurses and surgical technologists all play a vital role in every surgery and the process begins long before the patient arrives. Surgical technologists prepare the operating theater, prepare the patient for surgery and assist during the surgical procedure.

Surgical Tech Schools in Oregon

surgical tech schools in oregonStudents interested in a career in surgical technology should have completed high school courses in health, chemistry, biology and math. This gives you a solid foundation for surgical technology programs offered at Surgical Tech schools in Oregon.

You have two options for training to become a surgical technologist in Oregon. Some schools offer a certificate program, usually taking about 12 months to complete. This gives you the basic training needed for certification and working as an entry-level surgical tech. You can find some of the surgical tech schools in Oregon at a few of the community colleges, and at vocational or technical schools. You also have the option of online training.

Many students choose to attend a two-year program achieving an Associate of Applied Science Degree in surgical technology instead. Degree programs offer comprehensive training that is more attractive to prospective employers. Graduates with a degree have better career prospects and higher earnings than those completing a certificate or diploma program.

Sample Curriculum

Your school schedule could look a lot like the one presented below from Mount Hood Community College in Gresham, OR.

Surgical Tech Programs in Oregon

Practical experience

Training to become a surgical technologist involves both class/lab work on campus and practical clinical rotations in a local hospital or surgical clinic. This hands-on training takes place during the last three quarters of the program and provides students with valuable experience.  Working closely under the supervision of hospital staff, students apply the things learned in class to real-world situations.

During this time, you will research assigned surgical procedures and assist in the care of patients before, during and after surgery. The rotations ensure students gain experience in different types of surgery on patients of all ages. The surgical staff supervising the rotation works closely with Surgical Tech schools in Oregon in evaluating and reporting student on the job performance. Doing well during clinical rotations often results in an offer of full time employment.

Career outlook

Prospects for employment in health care are strong and demand for surgical technologists and surgical assistants are expected to grow in future. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that demand for surgical technologists will increase by 19 percent between 2010 and 2020.

Pay and benefits for graduates of Surgical Tech schools in Oregon favors comparably with other states. Median income for a surgical tech in Oregon is $47,700 per year and the top ten percent can expect to earn nearly $60,000 per year, according to O*Net Online.

surgical technologists training in oregon

An aging population and continual innovation in medical and surgical technology means that demand should remain high for qualified technologists. It is an exciting and rewarding career with ample room for advancement to higher paying Surgical Assistant positions. Get started on your new career today. Talk to a counselor about enrolling in one of the surgical tech schools in Oregon today.

Surgical Tech Schools in Florida

Surgical tech schools in Florida is the perfect place for you to start training for a new and exciting job in the healthcare industry. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the surgical tech position is expected to grow faster than the national average through the year 2020. By enrolling in the surgical tech schools in FL, you may be on your way to job that is high in demand and offers rewarding pay.

In case you did not know, some of the duties and responsibilities of a surgical tech include helping prepare the patient for surgery, making sure that the operating room and all the tools have been properly sterilized and aiding the surgical team in every way possible. This is a tremendously important position on the surgical staff that cannot be overlooked. The first step to getting started in this career choice is by applying and entering one of the surgical tech schools in Florida.

Facts about Surgical Tech Schools in Florida

surgical tech schools in floridaEven though you can become a surgical tech through a certificate program, we highly recommend that you aim for your associate degree to increase your earning potential and employability. You can find any number of surgical tech schools in Florida at vocational or technical schools as well as most community colleges. There are even some four-year universities that offer associate level education in surgical tech.

Another option for those currently with a busy schedule due to a full-time job or family obligations is one of the online surgical tech programs. Offering the same high-quality classroom education, online or distance learning has become an increasingly more popular way for people to change or start a new profession. Depending on your particular situation, you may be able to utilize this option to help you become a surgical tech.

When you start your search for which of the surgical tech schools in Florida you should attend, you will need to make sure that the schools have been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAEP). Accreditation is only granted to schools or programs that have met the high standards of education and practice. Not only will more than likely get a better education but your training will be considered more importantly by prospective employers.

What You Will Learn in Surgical Tech Schools in FL

You will find that surgical tech schools in Florida are split between classroom training and practical clinical training. Like most healthcare programs, the classes are divided this way so that you will be able to learn both the theory and have some practical experience doing the job. Some of the topics you will learn include:

  • Anatomy
  • Physiology
  • Microbiology
  • Ethics
  • Medical Terminology
  • Infection Control
  • Sterilization of Equipment and Areas
  • Proper Handling of Surgical Equipment, Tools and Supplies
  • Pharmacology

Surgical Tech Certification

After you have successfully passed one of the surgical tech schools in Florida you will want to become certified. Even though some of the states do not require certification, by going this extra step you showing employers and your patients that you are serious about your job and you are a professional. One of the most recognized names in certification is the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA).

Surgical Tech Salary in Florida

The median salary in Florida for a surgical tech is $37,600 or $18.10 an hour according to the latest information provided by O*Net Online. Your actual salary may fluctuate depending on your experience, where you work and type of employer you have. Below is a chart to give you a better indication of the ranges that are typically seen by surgical techs in Florida:

surgical tech salary in florida

The prospects for surgical techs are fairly strong. With a faster than average growth in demand combined with a good earning potential, fast-paced work environment and rewarding opportunities. Those looking to work in healthcare may have a hard time finding another profession that offers so much for so little training. If you want to make this your next career choice, contact any of the surgical tech schools in Florida today!

Surgical Tech Schools in PA

Surgical tech is a growing area of the healthcare industry in Pennsylvania and you too can join this dynamic field by enrolling in any of the surgical tech schools in PA. The surgical tech is responsible for ensuring that the operating room is sanitary and safe prior to surgery, sterilizing surgical equipment, helping to prepare the patient for surgery, and handing the necessary tools to the surgeon during the procedure, among other things. There are accredited surgical tech schools in PA that offer comprehensive training and career preparation for a career in surgical tech. So, what does one need to know when considering surgical tech schools in Pennslyvania?

Basic Facts About Surgical Tech Schools in PA

surgical tech schools in PASurgical tech programs are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools, and typically offer training that lasts about two years, ultimately resulting in an associate’s degree. Surgical tech programs are commonly found at community colleges, along with traditional four-year schools. Ideal candidates for surgical tech schools will have strong background knowledge and interest in chemistry, biology, and mathematics.

Upon graduating, the future surgical tech obtains certification by applying to take and passing an exam administered by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting. The National Association For Healthcare Quality also administers surgical tech certifications. Though certification is not required in every state, becoming certified is a strong way to show employers that one is ready for the job. The top qualities of a successful surgical tech are a strong base of knowledge, the ability to spend long hours on one’s feet, quick thinking under pressure, and a strong desire to help people.

Clinical Practice at Surgical Tech Schools in PA

Most surgical tech schools offer a combination of in-class learning and hands-on experience. The first hands-on experience a student receives is often in a mock surgical lab, in which the student can get a feel for the job in a realistic but low pressure setting. Many schools also partner with hospitals, in order to get the more experienced students real-time, clinical experience in a true surgical setting. Some of the typical classes offered in surgical tech programs are anatomy, operating room standards, and medical terminology. Overall, surgical tech training is an exciting and well-rounded experience.

Surgical Tech Job Availability Outlook

Once the student completes training and obtains certification, it is time to hunt for a job. Surgical tech is an evolving field, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that job opportunities in surgical tech are expected to grow nationally by 19 percent by 2020. By completing an accredited program and acquiring certification, the aspiring surgical tech has a strong chance of landing a job in the field. Most surgical techs work in hospitals, at physician’s offices, at dentists offices, or at outpatient care centers.

Surgical Tech Salary Outlook

According to the most recent reports from O*Net Online, the median annual wage for surgical techs in Pennsylvania was $39,500. Depending on the setting of the job, one can expect to earn slightly more or less as a surgical tech. The most lucrative positions are at outpatient care centers, while hospitals come in more along the lines of the national average. Additionally, the top ten percent of surgical techs made an average salary of $54,000 in 2012.

Surgical Tech Salary in PA

With a healthy outlook for employment prospects, strong earning potential, the opportunity to work in a fast-paced, stimulating setting, and the chance to help others in the process, surgical tech is an ideal career choice for those looking to work in healthcare. The next step toward a rewarding career is to enroll in one of the quality surgical tech schools in PA.

Surgical Tech Schools in Ohio

Enrolling in any of the accredited surgical tech schools in Ohio can help you get the high-quality training and preparation for a career as a surgical tech. The position of surgical tech is a thriving, exciting sector of the healthcare industry. The surgical technician is responsible for ensuring that the operating room meets safety and sanitation standards prior to surgery, ensuring the sterility of surgical equipment, assisting in patients’ surgical preparation, and providing the surgeon with tools as needed during surgery, among other things.  So, what should a potential student know before considering surgical tech programs in Ohio?

The Basics on Surgical Tech Schools in Ohio

surgical tech schools in Ohio

For enhanced employment prospects and the comfort of knowing one is attending a quality school, it is important to find an accredited program. The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools handle the accreditation of surgical tech programs.

Training at one of the surgical tech schools in Ohio typically lasts about two years, ultimately resulting in an associate’s degree. Believe it or not, surgical tech schools in Ohio are often offered at community colleges, vocational or technical schools, along with four-year universities. There are even some online surgical tech schools in Ohio that is particularly helpful for those with a busy schedule or live too far to commute to school.

After graduation, it is important to gain certification by applying to take and passing an exam administered by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting or The National Association For Healthcare Quality. Though certification isn’t a requirement for surgical techs in every state, obtaining certification indicates to employers that one is ready to handle the job.

What to Expect at Surgical Tech Schools in Ohio

Most surgical tech schools offer both classroom learning and practical experience. Many schools introduce practical training in a mock surgical lab, where students can practice for the job in a realistic but low pressure setting. A number of schools also work with area hospitals, allowing students to gain real-time, clinical experience in a real surgical setting. Some core courses offered in surgical tech training are operating room standards, medical terminology along with anatomy and physiology.

Surgical Tech Employment Outlook

After completing the program and passing a certification exam, the job search begins. Surgical tech is an in-demand field, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that positions in surgical tech are expected to grow 19 percent by 2020. With a training certificate and certification in hand, one stands a strong chance of landing a job in the field. Surgical tech positions are commonly found in hospitals, at outpatient care centers, and at physician’s offices.

where do Surgical Techs work

Surgical Tech Salary Averages

The O*Net Online indicates that the median annual wage for surgical techs was $41,790 in 2012. One can expect to earn slightly more or less as a surgical tech depending on the environment in which they work. The best paying positions can typically be found in outpatient care centers. Hospital salaries tend to more strongly align with the national average. There is also generally room for growth, as the top ten percent of surgical techs brought home a median salary of $57,330 in 2010.

With a strong outlook for finding employment, highly competitive earning potential, the chance to work in a challenging, exciting environment, and the opportunity be of service to patients in the process, surgical tech is an excellent career option for those who desire a position in healthcare. The first step in finding a fulfilling career is to enroll in one of the quality surgical tech schools in Ohio.

Surgical Tech Schools in New York

Looking for an amazing new career in the field of healthcare then you should check out the surgical tech schools in New York. Not only will you get a great education and training for a new career but also you will find a career that has been incredibly stable throughout the economic problems this country has been having. All it takes to start is enrolling in any of the surgical tech schools in NY.

What to Know About Surgical Tech Schools in NY

surgical tech schools in new yorkThe field of surgical technology offers a dynamic range of responsibilities. Needless to say, the skill set for surgical technicians runs well beyond the obvious working knowledge in anatomy, medical terminology, and rudimentary operating room standards. The demand is certainly high for agile, dexterous, and quick-witted persons. Long hours on the feet are rewarded by the prospect of a life prolonged or an individual’s well-being preserved. Stress-management is necessary, and would-be surgical techs must be able to handle the often-dramatic tension of the operating room.

Students interested in attending surgical tech schools in New York should have a high school-level proficiency in biology, health, chemistry, and mathematics before applying. Those whose interests are naturally piqued by these subjects are an ideal fit.

Surgical technology programs gain accreditation through the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). The CAAHEP website lists 11 schools offering surgical tech programs in New York State alone. The programs in these schools range in duration. However, most will grant an associate’s degree after two years. Certification in surgical technology comes in several forms through several different organizations. The National Healthcare Organization, for instance, offers a certification with the title, “Certified Operating Room and Surgical Technician (CORST),” which is gained either through accredited course work or field experience.

Surgical Tech Schools in New York

surgical tech schools in NYMany surgical tech schools in New York offer students the opportunity to receive practice in a mock surgical lab. Attendees of Long Island University’s surgical tech program gain real world experience in actual clinical settings. The school has partnered with various hospitals for this purpose. It is in this very locale where the respective mettles of tomorrow’s technicians are fundamentally tested.

Nassau Community College is one of the surgical tech schools in New York whose programs have gained popularity in recent years. In addition to its offering an associate’s degree in Applied Science in Surgical Technology, the school boasts the only program on Long Island that received CAAHEP accreditation upon recommendation from the Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (ARCSTSA). Some clarification is necessary, for Long Island University is capable of a similar boast, having had its CAAHEP accreditation through the Accreditation Review Committee on Education in Surgical Technology (ARC-ST). Both claims are valid. No real distinction should be made between the two organizations save for the fact that the latter is a subset of the former.

Surgical Tech Outook

The job outlook for surgical technicians looks promising over the remainder of the decade and beyond. As progress in medical science continues to improve surgical safety and efficiency, positions in surgical technology are expected to have increased by 19 percent over the next seven years. The advance of the baby boomer generation toward post-retirement age is also a factor. This relatively large population will find themselves in need of a variety of procedures for the heart, the replacement of joints, and other procedures to combat the effects of aging. This will necessitate the demand for surgical technicians in operating rooms everywhere. The speculation is that, rather than employ registered nurses who tend to draw higher salaries, hospitals will be more apt to hire individuals trained specifically in surgical technology for the operating room.

Ambulatory care has seen increased usage of advanced medical technology. According to the World Health Organization, ambulatory care provision is a “critical determinant of health system performance in developing countries.” The gravity in this statement implies that, at home as well as abroad, the demand for surgical technicians can only increase as the world continues to proverbially shrink.

Surgical Tech Salary Information

surgical tech salaryThe most recent data gathered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics gives the national median surgical technician’s salary was $41,800. In New York, the annual median salary is $45,300. The figures are obviously the median of all salaries, as half the technician’s salaries were higher and half were lower. This means that on the high end, a technician might expect over $60,000. Outpatient care centers top the list of industries employing the highest amount of surgical technicians at the highest wages.

Prospects are indeed high for those looking into surgical tech schools in New York and everywhere else. Every leap in the advancement of medicine is intertwined with a corresponding leap in technology. The acceleration is fueled by those that recognize the constant need for expertise, competency, and compassion in this most noble of humanitarian professions. The future is calling them.