Surgical Tech Schools in Texas

Surgical tech schools in Texas are a good way to start a career in the fast paced and growing healthcare sector. The latest information from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that the number of available positions for surgical technologist will grow nationally by as much as 19% through 2020. While in Texas, the projected increase in surgical tech jobs is expected to be around 26%. So if you have an interest in getting training to work in the operating room, then surgical technologist schools in Texas is a great place to start.

Becoming a surgical tech is a wonderful and rewarding job. You will be an important part of the surgical team. You will find yourself preparing the patient for surgery, making sure the operating room is sterilized and ready as well as assisting the surgical team in other ways. A good surgical tech is worth their weight in gold. You can start down this path to this type of career by enrolling in one of the surgical tech schools in Texas.

Facts about Surgical Tech Schools in Texas

surgical tech schools in texasWhen looking at the surgical tech schools in Texas, you will have to make a decision on what level of education you would like to achieve. There are certificate programs as well as associate degree level programs. We strongly recommend that you consider that associate degree path to increase both your potential earnings and employment opportunities.

You should be able to find surgical tech programs in a number of different types of facilities. You should find that most vocational or technical schools offer training and even a good number of community colleges. Some four-year universities that have nursing schools are part of the surgical tech schools in Texas too.

If you live too far away from one of your desired schools or currently have too busy of a schedule to attend a campus-based program, you may want to look in to distance learning. Online surgical tech programs have become popular over the past few years and the quality of classroom education is on part with the more traditional programs. So don’t overlook the possibility of learning from home.


No matter what kind of school or program you want to enroll in, you will need to make sure that the program meets the standards of a quality institution. The Commission on Accreditation on Allied Health Education Programs (CAAEP) is a national governing body that will only approve of programs that meet the rigid standards and practice to qualify as an accredited program. Not only will this accreditation make you feel that you are getting the right kind of education but it could serve as an incentive for potential employers.

What You Will Learn in Surgical Technologist Training in Texas

The surgical tech schools in Texas are created to have both a classroom element as well as practical training in the form of an internship. This provides aspiring surgical techs the ability to both understand and know how their job is supposed to work. A few of the topics covered in the classroom include:

surgical technologist training topics


Upon completion of your training at one of the surgical tech schools in Texas, you will want to become certified to increase your employment chances. Even in the states that do not require certification, by doing so you will impress upon employers that you are serious about profession and have what it takes. Look to the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA) for information on certification. Texas requires certification which you can read this statement provided by the Association of Surgical Technologists (AST)

Surgical Tech Salary in Texas

In the state of Texas, O*Net Online lists the median salary for surgical technologists is over $41,500 or almost $20 an hour. Your realized salary may be slightly different depending on a number of factors such as experience, place of employment and location of your job. Overall though, the median salary number is fairly close to the national median.

Those looking to start a new career in healthcare are in for a treat. The combination of an aging population, improvements in medical technology and the new insurance regulations has helped create an increased demand in qualified professionals. You can make your mark in the healthcare sector by getting the right education at one of the surgical tech schools in Texas.