Surgical Tech Schools in MA

If you are looking to enter the healthcare field in Massachusetts, you may want to look at the opportunities available by the surgical tech schools in MA. In case you are not aware, the number of healthcare jobs – including surgical technologists – are projected to increase to meet the needs of a growing population. Students attending the surgical tech programs in Massachusetts are currently training to join the healthcare sector to meet the growing demand of qualified professionals.

The Basics of Surgical Technologists

surgical tech schools in MASurgical techs play an invaluable role on any surgical team by being involved from the preoperative to postoperative phases. As a surgical tech, your responsibilities are critical to the success of any surgery. While in one of the surgical tech schools in MA, you will learn how to best perform the necessary duties that will help keep the patient and operative staff safe and on target. Some of the most common tasks performed by a surgical tech include:

  • In charge of keeping surgical area and equipment sterile
  • Preoperative meeting with patient
  • Recording all surgical procedures undertaken
  • Passing surgical instruments to surgeon
  • Assist anesthesia team
  • Prepares patient for surgery
  • Secures dressings and bandages after incision is closed
  • Prepares operating room before and after surgery

Finding Surgical Tech Schools in MA

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has a few surgical tech programs for you to choose from. You can find training at most nursing schools and community colleges around the state. You may also look to some job or vocational programs to find the training you need. Any of the accredited surgical tech schools in MA can give you the right training to start a new and exciting career.

Online Surgical Tech Programs

If you have trouble finding one of the surgical tech schools in MA near you or maybe your life commitments make going to a traditional school troublesome, there are other options. Online surgical tech programs are becoming more popular, especially with students who have busy schedules. You will find that online colleges have a lot to offer as far as benefits but also provide an excellent educational opportunity.

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Facts about Surgical Tech Programs in MA

We highly recommend that before you just enroll at any program you do some due diligence to have some understanding what you are going in to. While we can say with certainty that a great number of the surgical tech schools in MA are some of the best in the country, you will still need to be aware of what helps make a great program. Below you will find some of the main topics that you need to know before you sign on the dotted line.


When you start your search through the surgical tech schools in MA, you need to make sure you will be receiving the right type of education necessary to be successful. We highly recommend that you only look at programs that been endorsed either by the state of Massachusetts or by a national healthcare board such as the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). This endorsement or accreditation means that the program has met a strict set of standards in terms of excellence in education. Plus, you will not be wasting your time and money on a program that might not live up to the promises the recruiter has expressed.

Certificate or Degree Programs?

surgical tech programs in MABefore you sign up for classes, you will need to make the conscience decision on what your goals are – both educationally and professionally. If you just want to get in and out of training as fast as possible so you can start working, then you may want to enter a certificate program. However, if you want a better chance at advancement and more employment opportunities, we highly suggest you look more at the associate degree level program.

The choice is really up to you and what you expect to get out of the surgical tech schools in MA. Personally, we do recommend an associate degree to give you more prospects for jobs and potentially a higher salary.


Prior to January 2013, certification was recommended but optional in Massachusetts. Now it is required in order to work as a surgical technologist in the Commonwealth. The Association of Surgical Technologists (AST) provide a handy FAQ on the subject that you can find here. You can find more information on how to obtain certification from the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting (NBSTSA).

Surgical Technologist Salary in MA

If you have some questions concerning the surgical tech salary, you shouldn’t be worried — the pay is pretty good. According to O*Net Online, the median salary for surgical technologists in Massachusetts is slightly higher than the national salary. As of 2012 when the last report was issued, the median salary for Massachusetts was $48,100 a year or $23.13 an hour compared to the national numbers of $41,800 and $20.09. The chart below shows the differences across different percentages.

Surgical Technologist Salary in MA

Surgical Technologist Jobs in MA

We have previously mentioned that the healthcare sector are experiencing enormous growth in the number of projected new jobs. Surgical tech is no different with O*Net Online expecting an increase of 18% through the year 2020. This increase in new surgical tech jobs will primarily come from hospitals and outpatient centers.

If you are truly interested in working in the healthcare sector, becoming a surgical technologist is an amazing opportunity that is hard to pass up. The emotional and financial rewards along with the stability and importance of the position can be exactly what you are looking for. It can all start by enrolling in one of the surgical tech schools in MA.

Other Resources:

Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN)

Massachusetts Senate Bill 2058

Partners Healthcare

 Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting